Spicer Bees - Maine beekeeper's one stop shopWelcome to Spicer Bees!

Spicer Bees is a full service beekeeping supplier in Whitefield, Maine, just east of Augusta. We have everything you need to keep bees (including bees) with the best prices on woodenware in Maine. We carry everything from spring bee packages and NUCS, to queens, medicines, protective equipment, and the jars in which to put all your honey.

Spring Bee-ginner Classes, Packages and Nucs
Are now available in our store!
Spicer Bees has moved!  Come visit our new location at 463 Mills Road, Whitefield

Beekeeping Supplies

Full Service beekeeping supply store.
Visit our Beekeeping Supplies page for a full list of supplies we offer.

Shop Now for:  3 lb. Italian Packages • NUCS

Best Woodenware Prices in Maine – Assembled and unassembled equipment.

Queens – Italians, Spicer Queens (northern raised). Packages and NUCS available.

Forget something or have a swarm and it's after hours? – Just give us a call and we'll gladly meet you at the store!

Support & Education

Get your questions answered:  If you have questions, stop by – a beekeeper is on site during business hours. Emergencies can be addressed in off hours (ex: equipment to hive that swarm); just give us a call!

Open Hive Saturdays  The twelfth season and occur on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month.  These are free educational events held from 10:30am to noon in our demonstration bee yard with the explicit purpose of teaching bees hands on and in the hives.  Remember to bring your veil.

Beekeeping School 2025 - Will be held in March check back later this year for updates.

Bee Store Hours

Closed for the Season

Packages will go on sale in December!

Missed out on beekeeping school this year or need a refresher? Check out our ongoing series “A Year in Beekeeping”.

This is a step-by-step video guide which starts with package installs on both foundation and drawn comb, and continues through the rest of the season. We hope these segments will be a useful resource for those who were looking forward to their beekeeping class as a refresher or are brand new to beekeeping.  •  View the series on our Facebook and YouTube pages. Enjoy!

Thank you all for visiting us and sharing your bee stories. We value the relationships we've developed with our customers and yes, we get it, when you get excited talking about your bees. We love our bees too! It's great knowing so many others are just as passionate about their hives.