Seventh Annual Spring Open House
March 8th, 10am to 2pm
(Snow day following day)
Get your apiary ready for spring join us for our Seventh Annual Spring Open House! Raffles for a package, honey supers and more, local club information and refreshments will be provided. We will be there to answer questions and discuss how to best prep your hives for spring after a brutal winter season. This event is a great opportunity not only for established beekeepers, but also for newcomers still wondering whether or not beekeeping is for them. Visit our Facebook page for current information. See you then!
Home of “Open Hive Saturdays”
We are pleased to announce that starting April 26th, 2025 at 10:30-12:00, our demonstration bee yard will be open. This is a great chance to learn and connect with other beekeepers, newbees and wannabees alike. Bring your questions, even if you think they are silly and all will be answered in a respectful manner. We all had to learn from somebody and asked some very interesting questions. In fact, we still do. These events are open to all (bring your veil or purchase one*) and are held the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month.
Open Hive Saturdays are led primarily by Brian Mason. Last year we had 12 demo hives, of which we would average 4 openings every Saturday. This year we expect about the same. The expected hive setups for this year include: overwintered 2 deep setup, package, nuc, split, and swarm. Open hive topics for May:
May 3th - package install demo and inspection of April package hive.
May 17th - Assessing both installed packages and assessing 2 overwintered hives. Focus will be on determining hive strength and health and doing a mite check.
Beekeeping Educational Sessions
Date May 3rd, 2025
Package Delivery Day & Installation Demo. and Brian Mason will be returning with the bee packages from Georgia. At Noon the 21rd Rick Cooper, will demonstrate a package installation for all that wish to attend. Cost: Free
Date April 26, 2024
Open Hive Saturdays begin for the eighth season. These are free educational events where all are invited to come and learn in a relaxed and respectful manner. Early season sessions begin at 10:30 am and end by noon. Cost: Free
Beekeeping School 2025
Beginning Beekeepers Classes to be offered this spring at Spicer Bees in Whitefield, Maine. Instructors: Brian Mason & Rick Cooper
Beginner Bee School
Section 1:
• Saturday afternoons, 1-5pm, March 29, April 5 & 12, 2025 Cost: $85
Section 2:
• Saturday afternoons, 1-5pm, March 30, April 6 & 13, 2025 Cost: $85
These courses will cover information needed to effectively manage and maintain bees for the entire first season including, we hope, the harvesting of your first honey crop. Discussion will include beneficial flowering plants, honeybee races and attributes, life cycle of the honeybee and diseases and pests that affect them. We will address the availability of honeybees and needed equipment. Hands on participation will include learning how to assemble equipment and installation of bees in the hive.
Cost: $85/person. Includes light refreshments and reference book (one per family).
Class size is limited to a maximum of 50 participants. Register Here!
* Veils will be available for purchase should you need one.
• Changes to events, times or information will be posted on our Facebook page first. Please "Like" us to keep informed about what's happening