Beginning Beekeepers Classes


These courses will cover information needed to effectively manage and maintain bees for the entire first season including, we hope, the harvesting of your first honey crop.

Offered at Spicer Bees in Whitefield with instructors Rick Cooper and Brian Mason.

Class 1:  Beginner Bee School, Saturday afternoons, 1-5pm, March 29, April 5, April 12 .  Cost $85.

Class 2:  Beginner Bee School, Sunday afternoons, 1-5pm, March 30, April 6, April 13.  Cost $85.

Students are strongly encouraged to attend Open Hive Saturday event May 9th from 10:30 am to noon in our demonstration yard to assist with making this class a more intensive hands on beginner class.


These courses will cover information needed to effectively manage and maintain bees for the entire first season including, we hope, the harvesting of your first honey crop. Discussion will include beneficial flowering plants, honeybee races and attributes, life cycle of the honeybee and diseases and pests that affect them. We will address the availability of honeybees and needed equipment. Hands on participation will include learning how to assemble equipment and installation of bees in the hive.

Students are strongly encouraged to attend Open Hive Saturday event May 9th from 10:30 am to noon in our demonstration yard to assist with making this class a more intensive hands on beginner class.

Offered at Spicer Bees in Whitefield with instructors Rick Cooper and Brian Mason.

Cost: $85/person. Includes light refreshments and reference book (one per family).

Class size is limited to a maximum of 20 participants.

* Veils will be available for purchase should you need one.